DEI edutech solutions under developed at enjoi

admin Diversity Dialogues

Jackie and the enjoi team are excited to be developing new DEI edu-tech solutions to support policy leaders, universities & corporate leaders on the Japanese market and also across Asia-Pacific. As a former researcher and professor in the Japanese university system for over 15 years, Dr. Steele is committed to filling this gap in DEI education for socially conscious individuals …

Dr. Steele presents on GBA+ at the Canadian Embassy

Jackie Steele Diversity Dialogues, Event Reports, In the Media

Dr. Steele presents on approaches to GBA+ policy-making for Japanese government staff at an International Women’s Day Event hosted by the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo Japanese follows the English. Please scroll down for links to event resources. 日本語は英語の後に記載しています。イベントに関連する参考資料へのリンクは記事の下に記載されています。 On March 1, 2023, drawing on 25 years of public policy research, enjoi Japan’s CEO Dr. Steele was pleased to provide …

Exploring your own original path: Thought partnering with Maneesh Kalra

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast, Uncategorized

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [07:01] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. Welcome to the last episode of season 1 of the Diversity rocks innovation! livestream and podcast! Thank you to everyone that has supported this first season.  Maneesh Kalra grew up in …

日本語のエピソード: Women and politics in Japan: Thought Partnering with Akiko Domoto

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts English text follows Japanese. A full transcript follows. 堂本暁子さんは、子供の頃に第二次世界大戦を経験され、日本の「ベビーホテル」での怠慢な育児についての事例を取材・報道したことで著名なジャーナリストとなり、国会議員に選出され、その後8年間千葉知事を務められました。 この生ける伝説である堂本さんへのインタビューを通じて、過去の時代の日本の政治と、その時代が私たちが今日、経験している日本と、いかに違うのかついての洞察を共有できることは、私の大きな喜びです。 このエピソードの聞きどころ 暁子さんが、第二次世界大戦中に子供時代をどのように過ごしたか、また、自然に囲まれて育ったことが、どのように生物多様性に関する国際的な活動につながったかについて 暁子さんが、ジャーナリストとして女性の権利に注目を向けるために行ったこと、認可されていな保育施設での、働く母親の赤ちゃんの死亡事故の現実、そしてそのことが今日私たちが当たり前と思っている公的なデイケア施設にどのようにつながったかについて 堂本先生が千葉県知事として、市民の声と「ボトムアップ」のリーダーシップスタイルを重視するようにしたことについて DRRの日本女性ネットワークの会長としての堂本先生の市民社会のリーダーシップと、市民が政治にもっと関心を持ってほしいという願いについて 暁子さんについて 堂本暁子さんは、東京女子大学を卒業後、TBSでレポーター兼ディレクターを務めました。 1981年から、男女共同参画社会基本法と、配偶者からの暴力の防止、被害者の保護に関する法律の制定に従事。 2001年から8年間千葉県知事を務めました。 千葉県知事になった最初の女性であり、日本史上3番目でした。 現在は、日本女性災害リスク軽減ネットワーク(JWNDRR)の会長を務めています。 Akiko Domoto experienced World War II as a child, became a renowned journalist uncovering stories of child neglect …

Sustainability as more than the environment: Thought partnering with Tove Kinooka

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [06:54] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. We host Tove Kinooka, the co-founder and director of Global Perspectives, a company helping create sustainability driven organizations and leaders on Diversity rocks innovation! In this conversation you’ll see how Tove’s …

Collaboration, Communication and Creativity: Thought partnering with Darren Menabney

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [02:11] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. Welcome to Vol. 16 of Diversity rocks innovation! Darren Menabney helps individuals and organizations learn how to collaborate, communicate, and create remotely and across cultures. Darren was born in Belfast in …

Global business in Japan: Thought Partnering with Bryan Sherman

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [07:13] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. In Vol. 14 of Diversity rocks innovation! I talk with Bryan Sherman, founder and president of Gramercy Engagement Group, a global HR consulting company. Bryan has been a mentor to me …

Entrepreneurship and Law in Japan: Thought partnering with Catherine O’Connell

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [06:56] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. In Volume 13 of  Diversity rocks innovation! we talk to the inspiring Catherine O’Connell, a lawyer and entrepreneur who runs her own boutique law firm, Catherine O’Connell Law, and hosts the …

Seeking sustainability: Thought partnering out loud with JJ Walsh

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [07:05] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. This week we are joined by Joy Jarman-Walsh (JJ), the host of the Seeking Sustainability Live Podcast and talk show. JJ Walsh started the show in April 2020 after organizing a …

Inclusion benefits everyone: Thought Partnering with Dr. Mark Bookman

Jackie Steele Diversity rocks innovation! Livestream & Podcast

To watch the full interview on YouTube, click here. Interview starts at [05:25] Subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast player here: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts A full transcript follows. As a young man, Dr. Mark Bookman developed a love for philosophy and Japanese culture through anime, which allowed him to engage with more cerebral and philosophical issues. This interest in …