DEI edutech solutions under developed at enjoi

admin Diversity Dialogues

Jackie and the enjoi team are excited to be developing new DEI edu-tech solutions to support policy leaders, universities & corporate leaders on the Japanese market and also across Asia-Pacific.

As a former researcher and professor in the Japanese university system for over 15 years, Dr. Steele is committed to filling this gap in DEI education for socially conscious individuals across all industries wanting fun, immersive, and university calibre learnings, delivered in accessible and easy-to-digest practitioner formats. Diversity and equity are drivers of innovation, sustainable growth, creative individuality, and workplace happiness. Investing in the education of our workforce in this competitive global market is a must for universities, governments, and corporations. Paying forward her 25 years of nonprofit, practitioner, corporate, and academic teaching, we are kicking off an 8-month edutech product development phase to build a series of highly enjoi-able (!) DEI learning adventures. Stay tuned!