Diversity rocks innovation!" Livestream - Farewell Mark

Farewell Dr. Mark Bookman – Until we meet again

admin Diversity Dialogues

Two years ago, on his 30th birthday, Dr. Jackie F. Steele hosted her dear friend and esteemed thought partner, Dr. Mark Bookman, for the enjoi (Diversity & Innovation) Japan KK “Diversity rocks innovation!” Livestream. A lot changes when you are racing against time and living with a rare disease impacting only 6 people in the world. At the time, Mark had just …

Dr. Jackie F. Steele’s last days at Amazon Japan as Senior DEI Business Partner.

admin Diversity Dialogues

A message from Jackie This past year of life has been a total ride. I take away so many rich lessons from this time spent working within a dynamic, innovation-focused, globally corporation for my first ever in-house role where I had the honour of developing the first comprehensive annual DEI Strategy in alignment with the global and #AISDEI vision. I …