Diversity rocks innovation!" Livestream - Farewell Mark

Farewell Dr. Mark Bookman – Until we meet again

admin Diversity Dialogues

Two years ago, on his 30th birthday, Dr. Jackie F. Steele hosted her dear friend and esteemed thought partner, Dr. Mark Bookman, for the enjoi (Diversity & Innovation) Japan KK “Diversity rocks innovation!” Livestream. A lot changes when you are racing against time and living with a rare disease impacting only 6 people in the world. At the time, Mark had just defended his PhD and was preparing to take on a postdoctoral position at the The University of Tokyo.

Over the past year, we heard updates of how he was converting his thesis into a book. At enjoi, we are certain that it will become mandatory reading for everyone working in the fields of law, economy, democracy, social justice, disability/accessibility studies, as well as for all those interested in advancing accessibility, equity, and DEI in Japan. 

Mark was a kindred spirit to Jackie. One of those rare people who just “get” the big picture of what motivates her and collaborators to action on law reform, respect for individuality, and DEI. They shared the same passion for public intellectualism, law reform, public policy analysis, and intersectional equity.

When Jackie invited him to speak for a Canadian Embassy series on “COVID19 and the care economy: Disability, gender, and eldercare”, he contributed a wonderful presentation to support the diplomats in the embassy network striving to grasp the impacts of the pandemic as it unfolded real-time. They connected in Tokyo on two occasions amidst the constraints of the pandemic, and we undertook a series of enthusiastic mind melds on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility for all.

Mark was this vibrant, insightful, and wise beyond his years philosophical soul-mate. Jackie misses him dearly and she already misses the deeply engaging and inspiring conversations, intellectual debates and 4-hour discussions that they pulled off together in just 2-3 short years of pandemic friendship. The time she was able to spend with Mark was intensely nourishing in its reciprocity. Jackie never felt she was “too much”. He was a lifeforce and he welcomed Jackie’s as well. His passing has meant the blessing of connection with his dad and sister, both of whom are making waves in the world to support further equitable change. 

To learn firsthand from Mark’s brilliance, We are re-sharing our thought partnering conversation livestreamed 2 years ago so that you can share in his light. Conversation starts at 5:20.

We invite you to consider investing in this new Foundation Glide Fund to offer disabled international students and researchers the funds to move abroad to pursue their dreams, just like Mark did. Glide Fund.

Finally – there will be an awesome documentary about Mark’s life. Please stay tuned for that and check out the trailer at this link.

Happy Birthday, Mark! Jackie & enjoi team MISS you. Jackie imagines you in her mind and she will keep debating and discussing with you in spirit, as she continues to move forward here on the earth. Until we meet again… またね。。。à la prochaine, mon cher ami.