
Empowering Men as Leaders of DEI Business Strategy

About Wolfpack

In this 6-month executive education program supporting leaders in multiple industries, we will:

  • Support men in acquiring leadership mindsets and practices necessary to manage and curate teamwork in increasingly diverse workplaces wherein global talent expects support for gender equality, multicultural equity, LGBTQ and disability inclusion,
  • Create a confidential space for diverse men to ask hard questions and explore the complexities of diversity
  • Learn about evidence-based DEI business strategy that is in service of people, the planet and prosperity,
  • Offer guidance and applied training in the critical role of of emotionally intelligent (EQ) leadership for senior roles within corporations and how EQ can enhance our individual impact and upward mobility at work
  • Provide a space where we can openly discuss about toxic stereotypes (gender, race, sexual orientation, disability) and how these stereotypes also block men's leadership potential and impact
  • Hone communication skills that help men convey more about their complex individuality and identities
  • Expand men's competencies as strategic and knowledgeable leaders working in support of diversity and equity for innovation to drive  diversity-positive organizations.
2022 Wolfpack

We meet biweekly on MONDAY EVENINGS 8:00-9:30pm JST from FEBRUARY through JULY 2022. We launch together on Monday February 28th and conclude on July 11th. 

Grow as a Leader through DEI Business Strategy

After attending all sessions, you will:

  • Deepen understanding and gain confidence in the relationship between diversity, equity,  innovation, and performance
  • Have new insights on the role of intersectional thinking© and emotional intelligence in empowered self-leadership
  • Gain a roadmap for developing EQ and DEI analysis into superpowers that foster psychological safety and performance at work
  • Be more confident in how to live an authentic life of your choosing, even in the face of stereotypes or workplace pressures 
  • Know that promoting intersectional equity, gender equality and EQ leadership are the keys to building an innovative culture
  • empower meritocracy and diversified excellence in your teams and organization to drive sustainable high performance.

Meet the Facilitators


Dr. Jackie F. Steele
Lead Facilitator

Dr. Jackie F. Steele is a trilingual political scientist, Japan scholar and former UTokyo professor. As CEO of enjoi Japan K.K., she guides leaders in DEI (diversity-equity-innovation) business strategy with metrics tracking psychological safety, EQ leadership, diverse talent mobilization, and equitable corporate policies and practices.


Shu Matsuo Post

Shu Matsu Post is a TEDx speaker and the author of I Took Her Name. He speaks out about changing his surname to his wife's when they married and the benefits of paternity leave. He teaches men how to confront gender expectations to expand their own freedom and authentic individual voice.

Meet the Wolfpack HIStory Speakers


Jake Stika
Next Gen Men

Satoshi Ishihara

Satoshi Ishihara
World Bank


Darren Menabney


Casey Wahl (EQIQ KK)


Jason Wong
JWong Works


Kinota Braithwaite
Author & Advocate


Maneesh Kalra
MANTHAN Wellness


Rob Nugen
Mankind Project Japan


Ted Bonnah
Father & University Educator

Meet the Wolfpack Guides


Dr. Junichiro Koji
Hokkaido University of Education


Bryan Sherman
Gramercy Engagement Group
